
Typically, you would install Pull Into Place (PIP) both on your workstation and on your supercomputing cluster. On your cluster, you would run the steps in the pipeline that involve long rosetta simulations. On your workstation, you would run the analysis and filtering steps between those simulations. The reason for splitting up the work like this is that the analysis scripts have more dependencies than the simulation scripts, and those dependencies can be hard to install on clusters with limited internet access and/or out-of-date software. Some of the analysis scripts also require a GUI environment, which most clusters don’t have. Also note that the simulation scripts require python>=2.6 while the analysis scripts require python>=2.7.


Right now, the pipeline will only work as written on the QB3 cluster at UCSF. There are two issues preventing more general use. The first issue is that all of the scripts that submit jobs to the cluster use Sun Grid Engine (SGE) commands to do so. This would be easy to generalize, but so far there hasn’t been any need to do so. If you have a need, send an email to the maintainer describing your system and we’ll do what we can to support it.

The second issue is that the fragment generation scripts contain a number of hard-coded paths to executables and databases that are specific to the QB3 cluster. For a variety of reasons, fixing this would be a fairly serious undertaking. Nonetheless, please let the maintainer know if you need this done, and we’ll do what we can. In the meantime, you can try using simulations that don’t require fragments (although these don’t perform as well) or generating fragments yourself.

Installing PIP on your workstation

PIP is available on PyPI, so you can use pip to install it. (Sorry if the distinction between PIP and pip is confusing. PIP is the Pull Into Place pipeline, pip is the package manager distributed with modern versions of python):

$ pip install 'pull_into_place [analysis]'

The [analysis] part of the command instructs pip to install all of the dependencies for the analysis scripts. These dependencies aren’t installed by default because they aren’t needed for the rosetta simulation steps and they can be challenging to install on some clusters.

If the installation worked, this command should print out a nice help message:

$ pull_into_place --help


If you don’t have administrator access on your workstation, or if you just don’t want to install PIP system-wide, you can use the --user flag to install PIP in your home directory:

$ pip install 'pull_into_place [analysis]' --user

This will install the PIP executable in ~/.local/bin, which may not be on your $PATH by default. If the installation seemed to work but you get a “command not found” error when trying to run pull_into_place, you probably need to add ~/.local/bin to $PATH:

echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

GTK and the plot_funnels command

The plot_funnels command creates an interactive GUI that can show score vs RMSD funnels, open structures corresponding to individual points in pymol or chimera, and keep track of your notes on different designs.

In order to use this command, you have to install pygtk yourself. This dependency is not included with the other [analysis] dependencies because it can’t be installed with pip (except maybe on Windows). On Linux systems, your package manager should be able to install it pretty easily:

$ apt-get install pygtk  # Ubuntu
$ yum install pygtk2     # Fedora<=21
$ dnf install pygtk2     # Fedora>=22

On Mac systems, the easiest way to do this is to use homebrew to install matplotlib with the --with-pygtk option:

$ brew install matplotlib --with-pygtk

Installing PIP on your cluster

If pip is available on your cluster, use it:

$ pip install pull_into_place

Otherwise, you will need to install PIP manually. The first step is to download and install source distributions of setuptools and klab. PIP needs setuptools to install itself and klab to access a number of general-purpose tools developed by the Kortemme lab. Once those dependencies are installed, you can download and install a source distribution of pull_into_place. The next section has example command lines for all of these steps in the specific context of the QB3 cluster at UCSF.

Installing PIP on the QB3 cluster at UCSF

Because the UCSF cluster is not directly connected to the internet, it cannot automatically download and install dependencies. Instead, we have to do these steps manually.

  1. Download the most recent source distributions for setuptools, klab, and pull_into_place from PyPI (those are links, in case it’s hard to tell) onto your workstation. When I did this, the most recent distributions were:

    • setuptools-27.2.0.tar.gz
    • klab-0.3.0.tar.gz
    • pull_into_place-1.2.2.tar.gz


    Three new dependencies were added to setuptools in version 34.0.0: six, packaging, and appdirs. You can either install these dependencies in the same way as the others, or you can just use an earlier version of setuptools.

  2. Copy the source distributions onto the cluster:

    $ scp setuptools-27.2.0.tar.gz
    $ scp klab-0.3.0.tar.gz
    $ scp pull_into_place-1.2.2.tar.gz
  3. Log onto the cluster and unpack the source distributions:

    $ ssh
    $ tar -xzf setuptools-27.2.0.tar.gz
    $ tar -xzf klab-0.3.0.tar.gz
    $ tar -xzf pull_into_place-1.2.2.tar.gz
  4. Install setuptools:

    $ cd ~/setuptools-27.2.0
    $ python install --user
  5. Install klab:

    $ cd ~/klab-0.3.0
    $ python install --user
  6. Install pull_into_place:

    $ cd ~/pull_into_place-1.2.2
    $ python install --user
  7. Make sure ~/.local/bin is on your $PATH:

    The above commands install PIP into ~/.local/bin. This directory is good because you can install programs there without needing administrator privileges, but it’s not on your $PATH by default (which means that any programs installed there won’t be found). This command modifies your shell configuration file to add ~/.local/bin to your $PATH:

    $ echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

    This command reloads your shell configuration so the change takes place immediately (otherwise you’d have to log out and back in):

    $ source ~/.bashrc
  1. Make sure it works:

    $ pull_into_place --help

Installing Rosetta

PIP also requires Rosetta to be installed, both on your workstation and on your cluster. You can consult this page for more information on how to do this, but in general there are two steps. First, you need to check out a copy of the source code from GitHub:

$ git clone ~/rosetta

Second, you need to compile everything:

$ cd ~/rosetta/source
$ ./ bin mode=release -j8

Be aware that compiling Rosetta requires a C++11 compiler. This is much more likely to cause problems on your cluster than on your workstation. If you have problems, ask your administrator for help.

Installing Rosetta on the QB3 cluster at UCSF

Installing Rosetta on the QB3 cluster is especially annoying because the cluster has limited access to the internet and outdated versions of both the C++ compiler and python. As above, the first step is to check out a copy of the Rosetta source code from GitHub. This has to be done from one of the interactive nodes (e.g. iqint, optint1, optint2, or xeonint) because chef and sous are not allowed to communicate with GitHub:

$ ssh
$ ssh iqint
$ git clone ~/rosetta

The second step is to install the QB3-specific build settings, which specify the path to the cluster’s C++11 compiler (among other things):

$ ln -s site.settings.qb3 ~/rosetta/source/tools/build/site.settings

The final step is to compile Rosetta. This command has several parts: scl enable python27 causes python2.7 to be used for the rest of the command, which scons requires. nice reduces the compiler’s CPU priority, which helps the shell stay responsive. ./ bin is the standard command to build Rosetta. mode=release tells to compiler to leave out debugging code, which actually makes Rosetta ≈10x faster. -j16 tells the compiler that iqint has 16 cores for it to use:

$ cd ~/rosetta/source
$ scl enable python27 'nice ./ bin mode=release -j16'